Why should I hire a dog walker?

Hiring a dog walker gives you someone to call on when you need an extra hand. Life is busy, and it’s important to have a community you can depend on! Having a consistent dog walker will make sure your pet is always taken care of.


Is a dog walker worth it?

Dogs are sociable animals and happiest when they’re well exercised and gaining new life experiences to keep their minds stimulated. It’s extremely beneficial to allow your dog the opportunity to get comfortable with someone else that’s not you, in the event you need to leave town or your schedule gets busy. Not to mention – they would be way happier if they didn’t have to stay indoors all day while you’re at work!

Why a dog walker over dog daycare?

Dog walking is a more affordable expense than dog daycare, and we do the picking up and dropping off so you don’t have to worry about it! It also gives your dog a more personalized experience.

Why hire you over booking through Rover or a bigger dog walking company?

Having a consistent and trustworthy dog walker coming into your home is not only valuable to you, but also your dog. Your dog will begin to form a relationship with someone else that can step in when you are not available. Additionally, you will most likely feel a lot more comfortable with a consistent person going into your home when you’re not there, rahter than someone you hired through a large company. Also, supporting local is more important now than ever!


How do you integrate new dogs to a walking group?

It’s important to have a first free consultation walk so we can get to know you and your dog better! This way we will know what your dogs needs are, and of course what your needs are too.

Do you offer cat feedings?

We love cats! Honestly, we will feed your fish if you need us to. We love animals and we’re happy to help out in any situation we are needed.

Meet & Greet

Our Meet & Greet's are complimentary, take about 30 minutes and set you up to confidently schedule services whenever you need us!

We will:

  • Discuss what services best suit your needs
  • Get you set up on our scheduling app
  • Discuss our policies
  • Includes a quick 15 minute walk


 Moncton, New Brunswick


Contact Us

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